Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ThreadsofInsanity Etsy Shop Now Open!


I'm posting to let everyone (i.e. the world, my family, and the like, five other people who visit my blog) know that I have opened my new shop at Etsy under the easy-to-remember name of ThreadsofInsanity (that's "Threads of Insanity" all in one word because Etsy is weird and doesn't allow spaces in shop names for some weird reason).

Here is the link to ThreadsofInsanity:

That's one of the better photos that I (and my trusty assistant, Mom) took yesterday. I am notorious among my friends for being a horrible photographer, so as far as that goes, this is pretty darn good. I even added my shop name, ThreadsofInsanity (I'm being sneaky by repeating that numerous times and bolding it so that you'll remember the name - that's ThreadsofInsanity), to each photo. I didn't bother doing that with my pictures before, but I did my research - yes I did! - and discovered that many people recommend adding the shop name to each photograph as both protection and advertising. Who'd 'a thought? (Um, apparently, this is common knowledge, but I seem to have missed that class.)

I still have a lot of work to do before all my wares (ooh, doesn't that sound professional?) go up for sale, but I thought that I might as well get things started before I put it off again in my usual procrastinate-y way.

In case anyone is wondering why ThreadsofInsanity (see what I did there?) is suddenly so verbose and talkative, I signed my blog up for that Google ad thing because it said, "Free money!!" but they rejected my application (*gasp* *horror* *tears*) because I don't update/write enough. So here's my attempt at getting enough of a post and word count to get ThreadsofInsanity approved.

That's it for today, but keep coming back! I'm always making new things, and now, I have an incentive to post at least once a week (that's my goal).



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